Facts About Green Rock Dive Site
Green Rock is definitely a dive site you do not want to miss out on. It is one of Koh Tao’s most popular dive sites and to find out why, continue reading.
Rock Formations
The dive site itself is situated off the North West coastline of Koh Nangyuan island. This makes for a beautiful backdrop for your surface interval.
Once you go underwater you will see lots of large rock formations and boulders covered in a variety of marine life.
Advanced Diver Swim Throughs at Green Rock Dive Site
Now this is where we get to the good part. Once you take a closer look you will see multiple cave like, swim throughs. This is a key point of interest for this dive site.
You can swim along the base of the rocks, while slowly shallowing up, or weave in and out of the cavernous swim throughs. Whatever path you choose, you are in for a fantastic dive.
You can go nice and slow and examine the rocks for hidden nudibranch, or check inside the caves for dancing Durban and cleaner shrimps.
Trigger Fish at Green Rock dive site
The most famous part of this dive site is the “trigger pit”. If you head North off the main rocks, you will see a large sandy patch. It may seem as though nothing is there, however do not let that fool you.
You will see giant craters in the sand which are home to nesting triggerfish. It is great to check out from a distance, especially during the reproductive season.
suitable for advanced divers
Green Rock can at times have mild to strong currents and ranging visibility. There are times of the year where conditions are slightly more challenging and better suited for an Advanced Diver.
Most of the time however, visibility can range from 5-15 metres. In good conditions it can be 20+ metres.
Variable depths at Green Rock
When it comes to depth the dive site is quite diverse. The tops of the rocks peak at an assortment of different heights. Starting around 6 metres you can finish your dive exploring the upper part of the dive site.
Enjoy your safety stop while you swivel around the rocks up to 2 metres. The base of green rock is ranging around 10-20 metres, depending on which side of the rock you start your dive.
You can leave the dive site to increase your depth up to 30 metres, or explore along the coast line at around 7-12 metres.
What you can see at Green Rock dive site
Titan and Yellow margin triggerfish, White eyed moray eels, Butterfly Fish, Angel Fish, long fin banner fish, banded boxer shrimp, tube anemones, a variety of nudibranchs, yellow box fish and much, much more.
Our dive site rating
Due to the depth and potential current, this Koh Tao dive site is best suited for Advanced divers or higher. It is definitely one of the top picks for fun diving.